Cravings in Pregnancy


Yes, they’re real. Sometimes they can be fairly tame, like extra pickles on a sandwich or very odd like pickles mixed with ice cream. Yes, some women really do mix some weird combinations. I myself craved artichokes early in my pregnancy in an almost indescribable way. I’ve always wondered if it was because of the vitamin C content. Most of the time, however, women find themselves craving “comfort food” or foods that are a combination of salty and sweet and/or with a higher fat content.

The one caveat would be when someone craves non food items like dirt or clay. This is called pica and is a medical condition and needs to be addressed with your medical provider.  Also an extreme craving for ice could be a sign of anemia so mention that to your medical provider, although they usually check your bloodwork for signs of anemia.

Why do cravings happen? No one is 100% certain of the answer although it seems to be related to hormones. One solid theory is that as hormones shift, dopamine levels can lower which can lead to cravings. Another theory or one that may also work in tandem is that our body is craving certain nutrients. Now ice cream wouldn’t be what anyone would consider a nutrient, however, craving dairy could mean someone is needing more calcium. Salt could mean a need for more magnesium, fatty foods could mean a need for more essential fatty acids, and so the theory goes. Yet another theory is that the baby itself is putting on fat and needs fat to shape and grow its brain.

When you think about food as a source for growing your baby it can help you to think of healthier ways to satiate those cravings. Having smaller meals broken up during the day  can help digestion.  Occasional ice cream or french fries (maybe mixed!) isn’t going to hurt you but having them all the time isn’t the best nutritional choice. Maybe having food with a higher calcium content and magnesium content most of the time followed by a little bit of ice cream sometimes would be better. But I’ve been pregnant, too, and I know Baskin Robbins saw more of me during the last couple months of my pregnancy than they have seen me since!

So yes pregnancy cravings are real. Moderation is the key. And one day you can tell your child how you dipped bananas in ketchup or ordered a salad with triple amounts of artichokes or put hot sauce on absolutely everything.

All Rights Reserved, 2019
Kimberly Sebeck, Knoxville Doula
This is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice